
If I dug back into my memory of my first experience with anxiety, it was probably much different as a child than what I experienced as an adult. The two experiences, although different, resulted in the same feeling. The feeling of fight or flight response.

I’ve had a successful career considering my battle with anxiety. I have been extremely lucky to have paved the career path through management and leadership roles, but it didn’t come without scars or embarrassing moments. And trust me, there were plenty of them. It’s what has shaped me into who I am today and ultimately encouraged me to create a place for like-minded people to learn more about anxiety.

Anxietyliving.com is a place for those suffering with anxiety, or have exhausted all remedies, to learn of other alternative methods, remedies, exercise, treatments and overall community. Be inspired by the stories you’ll hear and want to share with others that suffer from all forms of anxiety.

You are not alone. If there’s anything your feeling, or embarrassing moments you experienced, please stay tuned to the stories I’ll share. My hope is to provide some golden nuggets for those who are desperate in need of something, or at the least, provide some relatable experience to let you know that it’s okay. Everything you feel and go through is in fact okay. You will get through it and you will hopefully be inspired to share experiences of your own.