Category: Uncategorized

  • No Need For Introductions

    I’ve been an introvert my entire life and always wished I had the qualities of an extrovert, but that’s for another post. I’ve never been good at introductions. I’ve done thousands of them in my lifetime, but never felt comfortable as an extrovert would naturally do. I remember when I was in college, I had…

  • Red In The Face

    If there’s anything worst than having anxiety, it’s having the appearance of being nervous or embarrassed outside of your control. My face tends to get very flush red with and without triggers. It’s part of my genetic makeup. It doesn’t matter how much exercise, yoga, or breathing techniques I do, my face could be tomato…

  • Fear Of Public Speaking

    We all have at some point of our lives, had some form of public speaking. It may not have been in front of a stadium of people, but it could be presenting in a classroom or to colleagues in a conference room. Public speaking isn’t quantified by the amount of people in the room. It…

  • Social Situations and How To Conquer Them

    My former company registered managers for a Dale Carnegie course and it was probably by far the most uncomfortable thing I personally ever went through, but it was very much needed on a professional level. It forced public speaking, it forced small talk and it forced me to break out of my bubble. It was…

  • Facing Panic Head On

    So you have been beaten down and defeated from anxiety and you are ready to face it head on. The first thing you need to do is understand what’s happening when you’re having a panic attack. Fight-or-Flight When you find yourself in a stressful situation, your nervous system responds by releasing stress hormones, cortisol and…