Red In The Face

If there’s anything worst than having anxiety, it’s having the appearance of being nervous or embarrassed outside of your control. My face tends to get very flush red with and without triggers. It’s part of my genetic makeup. It doesn’t matter how much exercise, yoga, or breathing techniques I do, my face could be tomato red striking up a conversation with a coworker I talk to all the time. In fact, sometimes they point it out.

There are many biological reasons or medical conditions that cause a persons face to go flush red. It typically happens when someone is nervous, embarrassed, angry, aroused, or it could be none of those reasons at all.

Anxiety causes your face to go flush by releasing epinephrine and adrenaline, which also causes flight-or-flight response. To make matters worse, getting a red face can cause anxiety. Most people who get a red face are aware that it’s red and it kicks their anxiety into a higher gear.

How to control a red face:

Learn your triggers. Most triggers will cause your red face. If someone points out your face is red, sometimes it’s easier to address with them nonchalantly that it involuntarily gets red.

Exercising can help, but it can also make you more flush, which could hide it better. I once ran 5 miles before a presentation and it helped a little with my anxiety, but I noticed I didn’t get as flush in the face.

Watch your diet. Vitamins and coffee can make your face more flush. Certain B vitamins cause my face and ears to be tomato red.

Nothing will cure a red face (that I’m aware of), but you can learn your personal triggers and figure out a strategy that works well for you.






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